
30 October 2010

Indendørs Loppemarked

Just got back from the best market I've ever been to.  Okay, maybe not the best (my friends always say I use too many superlatives), but it was nonetheless mega-fantastic.  It was just down the road on Enghavevej, in a large, naturally lit warehouse.  There were two main rooms; one with crates and pillows everywhere for everyone to sip on coffee, tea, soft drinks or beer (pictured).  The other, a whole room filled with stalls stocking cute homemade cupcakes (that my sister would've loved) and high quality second-hand clothing, accessories and electronics (and everything else under the sun) at the best prices I've seen at any market (outside of Asia).  I witnessed the most amazing Flamingo bag ever (which my friend back home Sarah Birchley would've died for, pictured), and bought a number of things including a navy blue suit for 20DKK ($4), an authentic Atlanta Olympics 1996 backpack for 30DKK ($6), some coffee table books on art and design, and two pairs of mint condition Adidas sneakers for 150DKK ($30, for both!).

As you can see, I bought a lot, so I spent most of the afternoon lounging on a crate and admiring what all my friends had bought; from mittens and records to tutu-dresses and Halloween costumes!

There are two more coming up before Christmas, so lookout for ads at your local cafe!

Laterz Alligatorz


Mart said...

I've heard of the Loppemarket, but I completely missed this one. Hope to catch it the next time around, the prices sound really good. My best second hand find so far has been "Kobenhavn K". It's more pricey, but has a good selection.

Sarah said...

JC i am indeed completely enamoured by the flamingo bag!! amazing. Looks like you're having way too much fun away from us - stay safe, much love xx

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