
03 November 2010


While I was studying today I was hugely distracted by the CPH:DOX looks WHOA!  I'm going to look into buying tickets tomorrow for a number of documentaries including one about Joaquin Phoenix's past year as a fake rapper.  I have to admit I fell for his crazy stunt, but I still have a lot of respect for him; I think it takes a lot of courage to pursue such a creative project that has jeopardised his acting career. 

As part of the festival, there is also a Youtube Battle next Saturday evening that I wish I could go to...but I'll be in Amsterdam.  It's basically an event in a bar where two groups compete to win cheers from the crowd by taking turns in playing the most random/gross/interesting/funny/weird/creative youtube videos on the spot.  My friends back home, Caley S and Steve M, would've especially loved it.  In fact, I picture them battling each other in a Youtube World Championship one day.  Steve would unleash a video of synchronised Japanese businessmen.

Then Caley would respond with a pokemon video of Australian politics.


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